Cost of Therapy
First, I recognize that therapy is not cheap! I fully acknowledge that and at the same time encourage you to consider the true value attached to therapy. Many individuals go through life carrying relational pain and dysfunction that infects all areas of their lives, from relationships to jobs to overall life goals. In fact, for many, the price of NOT getting therapy is far more costly when problems lead to divorce, legal problems, medication, job loss, and a host of other emotional price tags. When you consider the money spent on dining out, clothing, vacations, and, of course, Starbucks –also consider the value that finding peace and resolution for personal and relational difficulties can offer. On a more practical note, I’d like to point out that I intentionally set my session fees below the going rate of $125 $150 per session. This is not because I’m starving for clients; rather, I see this as my way of serving the community and making my services at least a little more affordable for those in need. I love the work I do and feel privileged to be a part of my clients’ lives.
~ 50 minute session: $90
~ 90 minute session: $135
~ Late Payment Fee: $15
The 50 minute session is a standard, weekly appointment. I recommend the 90 minute session for your very first session and for couples or family sessions due to the greater amount of information that needs to be covered. But this is completely optional.
Session fees include the session time as well as time used on your behalf, including record keeping and preparation. Payment is due in cash or check (made out to Amanda Medina) at the beginning of each session or a late fee applies, unless other arrangements are made. Bounced checks will result in a $35 service charge.
Sliding Scale Fees
For clients that have difficulty affording the session fee, I have limited openings at a reduced rate. Feel free to inquire about this. If my rates are more than you are comfortable paying, I also have some great referrals for MFT Trainees and Interns who generally charge $30-$80 per session since they are not yet licensed. The difference? MFT Trainees are still completing their master’s degree to become a therapist and are in the early stages of training under a licensed supervisor. MFT Interns have completed their master’s degree and are working toward their 3,000 hours of supervised experience, which is required before sitting for the California licensure exams.
I do not accept insurance. However, if you wish to seek reimbursement from your insurance provider, I am happy to provide a receipt for you to submit. You should be aware that the amount of reimbursement and the amount of co-payment or deductible depends on your specific insurance plan. Additionally, insurance plans generally limit coverage to certain diagnosable mental conditions, a certain number of sessions; sometimes a physician's referral is also required. Still, this can be a great way to reduce the cost of therapy.
Call or email today for a free initial phone consultation or to make an appointment!